Quality Auto Body Services at a Competitive Cost
You want to be able to get the necessary work done on your car without getting ripped off, simple as that.
Wondering If You Should Use Insurance?
There are many circumstances where using your insurance will NOT affect your rates
Engaging Repair Experience
Work with 1 repair estimator from beginning to end and don't get passed around.
Competitive Prices
Half of our repairs are people paying out of pocket. We get it. We provide options for you to choose from in the repair without “up-selling".
OEM Parts Price Matching
If the Insurance only approves used, recondition, or aftermarket parts, 95% of the time we get the dealership to price match. This gets you brand new dealer parts.
Who We Are And What We Offer
- Free Estimates
- All Makes & Models
- Lifetime Warranty
- Work With All Insurance Companies
- Independently Owned & Operated
- Excellent Service
- Competitive Prices
- State of the Art Facility
- Insurance-Claim OEM Parts Price Matching 95% of the Time

There are 2 types of claims that can be made. Collision and Comprehensive.
Commonly filed claims that do Not affect the insurance premiums per North Carolina state law:
Collision-type Claims: Vehicle was parked when damaged (even if you didn’t catch the person who hit it) and if someone does a hit-and-run against you.
Comprehensive-type Claims: Items falling off another vehicle and hitting your vehicle, Animal collisions, Vandalism, Acts of Nature (pinecone falls and damages vehicle, water, hail, fire), Theft, etc.
For almost everybody (excluding businesses and people with very rare high-risk insurance policies, etc.) the only way an insurance claim can affect your insurance rates for policies written in North Carolina are if BOTH of these requirements are met.
• A collision-type claim (so comprehensive claims automatically don’t affect insurance rates)
• that is at least 51% or more your fault
So if any of those requirements are not satisfied, for almost every single situation, your rates will not be affected.
See Department of Insurance website for proof Here.
Per North Carolina state law (NCGS 58-36-65 and 58-36-75) insurance rate increases are as follows:
1 SDIP Point – 30% rate increase – AT FAULT accident of $2,300 or less in total collision damage -OR- $1,800 or less of bodily injury 2 SDIP Points – 45% rate increase – AT FAULT accident of Over $2,300 but less than $3,850 in total collision damage 3 SDIP Points – 60% rate increase – AT FAULT accident of OVER $3,850
See Source Here.
North Carolina General Stature states, “(i) the claimant is under no obligation to use the (insurance) recommended repair service, (ii) the claimant may use the repair service of the claimant’s choice.”
You have the right to have any body shop you want to do the work on your vehicle (North Carolina General Statute 58-3-180). Insurance companies get a discount when you go to one of their partner shops, and in return they push customers to those shops to save money. Sometimes the insurance companies can really pressure you from what we’ve seen.
Just remember you get to pick where you want your vehicle repaired in North Carolina.
See Source Here.